Thursday, April 30, 2015


As of late, I've become really interested in acrylic painting. I've been doing watercolors for years and I am ready for a change. So this is the first of many pieces I've painted. First lesson I learned when painting on canvas- always have a plan for what you're going to paint. I thought I would be some free form artist that would just paint and let the canvas speak to me. Ummmm... that method doesn't work for me. Having a plan truly is the best. Either way, I really liked the final product even when there were points when I was second guessing myself.


  1. I see lots of movement, floating buildi gs, a nice play of light on the buildings, a flying caterpillar that's sneezing, royalty posing for the camera! It's so much fun finding stories in someone's painting. Everyine will find something different--o, did I mention the rocket?

  2. I see lots of movement, floating buildi gs, a nice play of light on the buildings, a flying caterpillar that's sneezing, royalty posing for the camera! It's so much fun finding stories in someone's painting. Everyine will find something different--o, did I mention the rocket?
